Cue the obligatory Fri-yay visual...
Yes people, the weekend is upon us - Hallelujah I hear you cry in chorus! You won't hear grumbles from us about long hours tearing our hair out at work or about gruelling workout sessions this week BECAUSE as you may have noticed via Instagram, the London Mice have been living it up in Dubai! Yep we flew out after work on Tuesday to stay with our fabulous friend, Ren for five whole days in the sunshine. Blissful! The week has been full of spoiling meals out, chatterbox girly catch-ups, poolside lounging with cocktails in-hand and late, late nights of boozing and dancing! We'll dish the dirt and share our snaps next week when we're back but for now, aside for holidaying, This Week The Mice Have Mostly Been...
Getting ourselves holiday-ready! Clean eating - check ... gym sessions galore - check ... but, most importantly packing! We religiously do this over the course of a few weeks ... First stage is to pull every item of holiday clothing from our wardrobes into a big old pile on the floor. Second stage, is when it gets personal - making clothing cuts! Planning complete outfits is a must and being strict with what you're REALLY going to need ... harder than it sounds as we tend to use the following excuses to pack as much as possible ... 'well it's only teeny tiny, it won't take up much room' or 'but what if the perfect occasion arises in which a ball gown is a must' cue suitcase overspill! For this trip however, I can report a calm and collected approach was adopted. Only the absolute necessary teamed with the absolute fabulous, coupled with our holiday essentials of course...

1. Hawaiian Tropic - our favourite coconut suncream laced with moisture ribbons to keep our tanned skin silky soft.
2. Victoria Secret bikinis - to add that all important pop of colour to our tanning regime.
3. Miu Miu shades - to protect our eyes super spangle style.
4. Kindle - to keep our girly trash reading obsession satisfied.
5. Erborian sleeping BB mask - to inject all important moisture back into our skin after a strenuous day in the sunshine.
6. JBL wireless music speaker - no holiday would be complete without a portable pocket of fun tunes.
7. Anya Hindmarch beach bag - to house all my beach essentials.
8. Valentino Rockstuds - never fully dressed without these fancy kicks.
9. Mylash magic in a bottle - to maintain the perfect long, flutter beach lashes.
10. John Frieda luxurious volume brush - my new secret weapon for big luscious flicky hair.
Nattering and chomping with one of my oldest school pals at Holborn's Rocket. A dilemma I face on a weekly basis is deciding where to meet friends for a bite to eat and a good old gossip after work. As you'll know from reading the blog, we're rather fond of our grub! We're signed up to all the hottest in-the-know newsletters ... The Nudge, The Handbook, Emerald St etc. to ensure we're always ahead of the game when it comes to brand new openings. That said, sometimes you don't have to and don't really want to spend a fortune on fine dining or a 7-course tasting menu. Sometimes cheap, cheerful and close by is just what you're after. Last Thursday was one of those days. I had a pig of a day at work and was dying to escape and ease the pain with a stiff cocktail or six. I was also ravenous but didn't want to completely fall off my clean eating wagon. Cue Rocket! Now you might have heard the name as there are a few of them dotted around London, one in Bishopsgate another in Canary Wharf and a further in the city but the one we opted for was the Holborn eatery - just a hop, skip and a jump from Soho. Perrrrrrfect!
The PR had kindly booked our table for 6.30pm so at 6.15pm on the dot I had shut down my computer and was out of the door like a flash. 15 minutes later I walked in to find my beautiful friend Claire getting stuck into the cocktail list - that's my girl! I started with a Bramble - gin muddled with lemon and blackberries - yum yum yum! Claire went slightly off piste and bravely opted for the a Lost in the Grass - La Penca Mezcal, Marlborough sauvignon blanc, lemon zest, lemongrass, kafir lime leaves, coriander & sugar - strange but strangely moreish too!

We swiftly turned our attention to the menu before getting caught up in fast paced chatter catching each other up on what we'd been up to over the last few months. I'm happy to report, the menu is of a decent size offering the choice of simple food - I do hate it when a restaurant lists endless fancy ingredients of which i've never heard of before and as such am forced to use Google as my go-to glossary! Rocket says it as it is but I will warn you in advance, the portions are bloomin' huge so bear that in mind before ordering up multiple sides!
To wet my appetite I ordered up a tasty buffalo mozzarella starter, drizzled with homemade basil pesto, tomato, balsamic & basil salsa with toasted artisan bread...
And for main I picked an absolute corker - toasted sesame coated tuna steak, which may I add was cooked to pink perfection, served with a warm salad of green beans, broccoli, courgettes & red chilli drizzled with wasabi mayonnaise...
And all washed down with a bottle of beautifully smooth Marlborough Pinot Noir - my fav! For afters, we couldn't resist the delectable sticky toffee pudding with salted caramel ice cream...
What a feast and the piece de resistance had to be stumbling upon these little dudes as we toddled off at the end of the night...
... Rocket's restaurant mascot! Sweet touch!
That's it for another week you lovely lot. Now you must excuse us, we have a very busy day ahead, mostly doing this...
Have a super duper weekend all!
Lots of love
The Mice