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Friday 14 September 2012

This Week The Mice Have Mostly Been...

As always busy busy busy with a touch of poorly sick from me (middle mouse). Ahhhh I hear you cry, that's why she's been as quiet as a mouse all week with no blogs to report of ... apologies! Forgive me! I'm back to full health now and intend to make it up to you all, starting with today's blog... what have we been up to this week?

Counting down to the start of the new 'Strictly Come Dancing' series. Saturday nights out are now a thing of the past, well until Christmas at least - bye bye social life hello sofa, wine and duvet! It happens every year at this time ... the X Factor and Strictly combo is just too darn fierce to resist PLUS the 2012 line-up is looking sizzling with Kimberley Walsh, Olympic legends Victoria Pendleton and Louis Smith, Denise Van Outen and Westlife hotcake Nicky Byrne. If we were celebs we would be split leaping at the chance to be involved in the show, so much more credible than any other celeb fuelled show out there AND you get to learn a skill and lose weight/tone up at the same time!

Images via

Totes gobsmacked that the Collin's online dictionary has added a whole raft of new words, phrases and abbreviations that people use regularly in everyday vocabulary. See our favourite additions below...!

  • Amazeballs - an expression of enthusiastic approval
  • Totes - totally; completely; entirely
  • Mummy porn - a genre of erotic fiction designed to appeal to women 
  • Bang Tidy - of exceptionally good quality 
  • Bashtag - a hashtag that is used for critical or abusive comments

Suffering a major crush on the talented and drop dead fit Jamie Scott of Graffiti 6. Mini mouse has shared her love for Jamie previously, see here, so when she heard he was performing with his band in Hoxton just a hop, skip and a jump away from our flat she couldn't resist snapping up tickets. I was super sad to miss out (due to being an ill little Mouse - sniff sniff) and was especially gutted when she came home raving about how amazing he was in particular his cover of 'No Digity' - we couldn't find the Hoxton version but here's the San Fran one for you to enjoy... 

Have a great weekend everyone ... The Mice xxx

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