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Thursday 9 May 2013


We don't usually write posts like this but one of my bestest girlies and a big fan of the blog isn't very well and is having a bit of a tough time. She's stuck in hospital but is still managing, as always, to put on a brave face and be amazingly resilient and upbeat. Despite all this, she's still making time to catch up with us Mice everyday, so I thought it was only right to dedicate an entire post to the amazing Becca... yes, that's right you've made the blog!!! Keep on going, being the strong little B that you are and just in case you didn't know, us Mice love you more than brie and Louboutins, here's why....
Brainy, beautiful, bright blue eyes, brave, best backflipper...there are far too many B's that spring to mind! So I have decided to focus on the most important and least shallow of them all...beautiful!!! You've tried every hair colour and somehow suited them all, have a year round tan that I'm ridiculously jealous of (and just can't seem to achieve out of a bottle!) and have perfect pearly whites..well your parents are dentists so I'll give them credit for that!! This time next year you'll be one smokin' bride...!!


Eternally positive, happy and glass half full...even when life gets tricky, you're always the one pushing on through, cracking the jokes and making light of a situation. You're the only person I can tell absolutely anything to, and who will find a silver lining in whatever it is...silly or otherwise.
Caring, courageous, confident but most importantly crazy! Nothing cheers me up more than hearing that infectious cackle, a true tummy muscle strengthening, cheek-ache inducing laugh! We were friends from the word go as we're as mental as one another, yet both think it's completely normal and you're the absolute essential for a great night out!!!

Compulsive dresser up'er - no one can beat this girl, there are no limits, literally none....


A friend for life. No one travels more, but even when living way over on the other side of the world, you're still one of my very best friends. Always sending postcards, cheer-up notes and emails updating us on 'what she got up to next'. 
Keep that pretty chin up and I cannot wait to be sharing a bottle of champagne and posing like idiots for the many more photos to come...


  1. Brilliant blog - you've summed up our beautiful Becca SO well. Keep your chin up lovely, this sh*t is nearly over and there's so much to look forward to! xxx

  2. Love it love it, come on Becca - get your dancing shoes back on quick smart
    Loads of love

  3. So So So lovely xxx thinking of you lovely girl love H

  4. This is so so lovely - thinking of you Bec love Hayley xxx
