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Friday 19 June 2015

This Week The Mice Have Mostly Been...

We're delighted to report that we've all got through five whole days of early starts and working far too hard and now it's very, very nearly the...

Time to speed read your way through your inbox and do your damnedest to get through all the myriad things on your To Do List because in just a few hours you want to be scooting out of the office quicker than you can say "gin & tonic"... Before you get your nose back to that grindstone though, how about a celebratory cup of tea, a very naughty Friday biscuit (or six) and a quick zip through what us Mice have been up to over the last seven days. This week, the Mice have mostly been...

Wondering how we've only just discovered Environ's AVST Range. Last Friday after lamenting about our skin woes to the six hundredth person that week, one of our besties suggested trying out a range of products that she claimed were game-changing (ummm hello best friends - like a box of macaroons, or a perfectly chilled bottle of Champagne, these are the sorts of things that it's quite frankly verging on the rude to keep to yourself for so long). To be honest, we've heard these types of  exaggerated boasts before, so we'd pretty much forgotten about the whole conversation until on Saturday morning, we strolled into one of our all time favourite Hong Kong beauty spots - the Skin Gym - and spied a whole shelf crammed full of the miracle range. 

A quick chat with our therapist later, more than a bit of mind-meltingly baffling science and we were sold on giving Environ's AVST range a whirl. The moisturisers come in a step-up system where you start with 1 - the introductory level moisturiser - and tube by tube ramp up until you reach the holy grail of the AVST range - level 5. As you move up the scale the concentration of vitamins A and C get greater and greater but the gradual increase means that your skin has time to adjust (be warned, jumping straight to 5 has apparently yielded some pretty nasty results according to the Environ gurus). Committed Environ addicts (including our bestie) report that after just a couple of weeks of using the moisturisers their skin is clearer, glowier and generally looks younger and smoother. A few days in and we've already noticed stubborn spots much diminished and a lot more radiance than usual. Watch this space as we move through the AVST levels and roll on mega magical potion - number 5... 

Staying up long past bedtime tearing through Celeste Ng's mesmerising debut novel, Everything I Never Told You. We'd read so many glowing reviews of this book (it was Amazon's pick of the year last year) that we knew it was going to be good. But, believe us when we say, we're in missing your stop on the tube territory with this one. From page one, we know that 16 year-old Lydia Lee is dead and we know that her family is a seething mass of confused identities, pent-up frustration and broken dreams. The rest of the book is a compelling, complex portrait of an unhappy family both pulled apart and drawn together by their stark differences from everyone else, and of course, a taut mystery which slowly unravels to explain why Lydia starts off the story at the bottom of a lake.

Raving on to anyone who will listen about having discovered our song of the summer, Bahari's Wild Ones. This is basically the music equivalent of stretching out in a hammock in the sun-dappled shade of a swaying palm tree with an excellent book (see above) and a long, icy glass of something delicious and very alcoholic. Plug your earphones in, close your eyes and hit play...

And on that note, we'll finish off this week by decreeing that this should be the weekend of more...

Lots and lots of love
The Mice

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