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Tuesday 22 April 2014

Our 3BM Easter Weekend in Pictures...

Hands up who had a fabulous long Easter weekend...

For the vast majority of you I bet it mostly consisted of far too much chocolate, a fair helping of booze, family get togethers and a big dose of R&R. Sound about right?

Not for the Mice. The booze part we can relate to in a big way but apart from that, no similarities whatsoever!!

HK mouse decided to jump ship and escape to Lombok for some much needed sun, sea and quality time with her boyfriend. Not your usual Easter view that's for sure...

Myself and Mini on the other hand decided some serious fun needed to be had and made it our mission to fit in as much as humanly possible. Even when we were having some down time, our bucket-esque wine glasses were firming in grip...

It all started on the Thursday night with the gorgeous Nikki's birthday night. Club of choice - The Box. Which means two thing... rudeness and a long night ahead. The club performances and acts don't actually start until 1am so we decided to have a pre-party at ours. Cue the cocktails - homemade rhubarb and processco glasses of deliciousness...

And mini bites of loveliness to line our stomachs, all homemade of course...

We chatted, gossiped and laughed for hours whilst slowly getting glammed up for the night ahead - secretly my favourite part of an evening. Shhhhhh...

At 11 o'clock our carriages pulled up and we stumpled in - tipsy to say the least! Sadly from here on in I have very little in-club evidence to prove just how tricking fabulous this place is - there is a no camera rule which = BORING! I did manage the following snaps in between the extreme acts of nakedness and naughtiness...

A 4am bedtime called for a next morning food-fest with our favourite girls which if I might add are looking surprisingly fresh-faced and lovely...

We rocked up at recently blogged about Rita's ready to fill our hungover-boots to high heaven... and that we did!

Ham hock hash & egg delight...

Washed down with homemade pink lemonade...

And the earth shattering dulce de leche beignets with foie gras from puds AKA tasty doughnuts with caramel and a touch of salt! Bliss. Heaven. Pure indulgence... 

After that there was no other option but to head home, collapse on the sofa and commit to an afternoon of duvet hogging, comforting food and snooze after snooze after snooze. 

The hours flew by and before we knew it, the evening had rolled in and the 7 o'clock wine itch has set in. Luckily we had an icy chilled bottle of Marlborough Sauvignon to hand so cracked that opened and kicked back for a night of R&R...

A sunny Saturday arrived and the healthy part of my brained kicked in - a morning run around Victoria Park... so off we jogged - in our sunnies...

Exercise done. What's next? An afternoon of pizza and unlimited prosecco. Perfect! Bunga Bunga step up...

Too much! Why not top up with a bit of taxi cab smuggling and espresso martini drinking...

Sunday I have nothing to show for our day. It pretty much consisted for laziness, indecisiveness and unhealthy choices! 

Monday arrived and we decided to pay our good friends Kitty and Kev a visit for an afternoon of good food, giggles and yes, more alcohol...!

Cracking alternative Easter even if I do say so myself! 

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