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Monday 3 June 2013

Art & Food Fusion : Duddells

On my recent whistlestop trip to Hong Kong, I was presented with the exciting opportunity to have a sneak preview of one of the city's most anticipated restaurants of 2013. Fellow Mice, let me introduce you to Duddell's

In simple terms, Duddell's fuses both food and art together under one roof - a restaurant come art exhibit. Eager to learn more? I was, and was lucky enough to steal some one-to-one time with Alan Lo who co-founded Duddell’s alongside Paulo Pong and YennWong. I later learnt that this credible and rock-solid trio are behind several of Hong Kong’s most critically acclaimed restaurant ventures, including, 22 Ships and The Principal - as I said a solid foundation from which to start a brand new venture and ambitious dining concept. Alan explained how Duddell's have been working closely with a sterling arts committee comprising of Yana Peel, William Zhao, Chrissy Sharp and Alan Lo himself. Alan's vision was to create an array of strong art shows, as he puts it: “We definitely want to do a bit more than just slapping a few pretty things on the wall.” 

The 8,000sq ft, 2-floored, Ilse Crawford-designed space is quaint yet cosy - you almost feel like you're viewing someone's personal art collection in their home. When chatting to Alan, I learnt this was definitely the vibe that the team were striving for. The space will offer a world-class exhibition programme with numerous guest curators as well as displaying both traditional Chinese and contemporary international art. 

Duddell’s also hosts a Michelin-starred Cantonese chef, Siu Hin Chi, who served us the most exquisite food imaginable. A feast fit for a Cantonese king would be the only way to describe the amount of delicious food laid out before us. With eyes bigger than my tummy (a common problem when it comes to food and me) I had to put down my chopsticks and back away from the table before I exploded all over the beautiful art! 
And the praise doesn't stop there because the interior design is as spectacular as the food and art ... a grand chunky staircase links the 2-floors together, a lavish library area dressed up to the nines, a 2,000 square foot outdoor terrace (which is pretty unheard of in HK) and a salon serving artisanal cocktails and vintage champagne. If this isn't heaven, I don't know what is!

Duddell’s Hong Kong
3-4/F Shanghai Tang Mansion 
1 Duddell Street
Hong Kong
+852 2525 9191

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