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Wednesday 5 December 2012

Seaside Seafood at Bonnie Gull...

Mini mouse and I recently discovered Bonnie Gull, a charming little seafood treasure, after being turned away from a very busy Riding House Cafe around the corner. I personally love the Riding House Cafe and was gutted to be told there was no room at the inn, HOWEVER on reflection they did us a huge favour because it meant that we stumbled upon Bonnie Gull which was so good, we just had to share ALL the details with our fellow mice readers and encourage you all to go, go, go! 

Despite being miles from the coastline, nestled in the hustle and bustle of central London, Fitzrovia to be exact, from the outside the restaurant looks like a British seaside joint with its stripy awning and cutesy bright white tables and chairs. Inside it's small and cosy with low lighting; ever so warm and welcoming. The decor is as you would expect ... blue and white themed, seaside crates stacked up, oysters on ice ... perfect! The service is impeccable too, we were in a rush with Birthday drinks to get to, so we told the waitress this and she did everything possible to make sure we were happy and out on time!

So onto the most important part ... THE FOOD! I got stuck into a whole heavenly Devon cock crab with shack mayo which was divine, if a little messy! At one point one of my crab claws actually flew through the air and attacked a fellow diner ... oops! So God damn good I got lost in the challenge of getting every scrap of meat out of that shell and into my hungry tummy! Mini mouse was a tad embarrassed as she quietly sat there elegantly eating her potato gnocchi with spinach, walnut, caramelised onion & colton bassett stilton. What can I say, the crab got me good! 

21A Foley Street

020 7436 0921

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